Lowongan 1 Anthropologist and 1 Public Health Researcher UNICEF

UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office (EAPRO) currently plan to conduct a baseline research on the prevention of child deaths in Mongolia and Timor Leste. Here below you can see the message we sent to our network of consultants as well as UNICEF’s email. 

UNICEF is seeking for any expert in the region who could be interested and available for this assignment: 1 Anthropologist and 1 Public Health Researcher.

The candidates can contact Ms Clara Urdiales at hera@hera.eu for furhter information.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Vini Fardhdiani

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." 
~ Winston Churchill 


Request from UNICEF EAPRO: To conduct formative research and baseline for integrated programming on reducing preventable child deaths from pneumonia, diarrhea and newborn complications in Mongolia and Timor Leste.

Location: Mongolia, East Timor (1 trip each with length of 1 month in each country)
Duration: 01 August – 06 December 2013

Team members:
A team member with following primary responsibilities
1. Anthropologist ( to conduct the formative research)
2. Public Health Researcher ( to conduct quantitative baseline)
3. A gender specialist (to integrate gender analysis in both formative research and baseline questionnaires and develop thorough recommendations for intervention design).
4. ICT specialist (to provide analysis for a feasibility of ICT interventions e.g. sms messages, crowd sourcing and real-time monitoring in the programme design)

Team leader (among the above members) needs to be identified by the contracted institution. It is estimated that the gender and ICT specialists will require 2 person days each for reviewing the tools and 1 person day each for giving inputs for analysis and report writing). No in-country travel is required for them. However, the first two consultants will be required to make field visits.

The contractor is expected to collaborate with UNICEF EAPRO, country offices in Mongolia and Timor Leste and partners to:
1. Develop a detailed work plan with timeline and responsibilities giving clear indication of support expected from UNICEF in close collaboration with focal points from countries.
2. Submit an inception report containing work plan; the overall approach for undertaking the assignment and full methodology.
3. Review the existing documents and literature for focus countries.
4. Based on the key priority interventions for integrated district plan, design the baseline household survey using LQAS methodology.
5. Document baseline health system indicators from available HMIS reports and discussions with Ministry of Health & District health authorities including availability of relevant supplies, human resources (filled positions and status of training) and physical access (availability of a health facility within a distance of 2 km).
6. Develop a comprehensive framework for formative research. This is essentially to provide insights to how key target audience understand the issues; what are the drivers of their behaviours and how decisions are made about health care seeking. What are the specific barriers, triggers and influencers for the target audience and what important social norms are facilitating or hindering the adoption of healthy practices. The key target audience will
include policy makers, relevant health service providers (public & private), community influential, fathers and mothers.
7. Develop the research tools (baseline questionnaires and topic guides for formative research) for UNICEF COs to seek inputs from key stakeholders/research committees formed for the purpose.
8. Finalize the research tools in light of the recommendations and translate and pre-test the tools and share the final tools.
9. Conduct the field research for the formative research and the baseline.
10. Submit draft country reports and power points (highlighting key findings and recommendations). Each draft country report should include executive summary, introduction, methodology, limitations, findings and recommendations with annexures listing all documents reviewed, research tools and data tables.


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